Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The end is near

At least for this class, my project is done, with more bells and whistles than I thought possible. I'm shocked I was able to create a fully functioning stock image website complete with watermark on images and what not. It's really rewarding to see my work come alive!

At least I won't be repeating this class, and with any luck as of 6:00pm (depending on previous people) I won't be repeating portfolio-prep. It would be an understatement to say I'm nervous... I can remember last quarter dropping off my process book and Mike was there waiting to present.

I think it would've been better had I started the website at the end of last quarter, but I didn't even have a final design until the 9th week, so I guess that wouldn't have worked.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Adding to the list

If possible, allow users to view all images from one photographer, and if I have more free time allow users to search the images of a photographer...

Increase number of images from 3 rows to 4 (at least, possibly 5).

Add pagination to the user profiles.

Revamp the download link (add the graphic).

Revamp the admin page.

Notes for me for later since I have no paper

and don't feel like walking over to the printer to get some :)

1. Use the "view image" page to make the "view user" page for the admin.
2. Need both the delete image and delete user page (delete user will also wipe out all of their images from the database).
3. Create one user with two distinct images so the account can be removed during review and the results are obvious.
4. Add content to the contribute and FAQ page (sitting in word files in documents folder).
5. Add images
6. Add more images
7. Keep adding images


Make the credit change (as you'll see in class, or saw, no idea when you read this), and styled my next/previous buttons (they look quite nice if I do say so myself).

Need to throw in the "remove" page, which won't be difficult considering I have that code sitting here awaiting to be tossed in, and aside from adding in a little more content, I "think" it's pretty sweet! Need to add in more pictures, the goal is to hit 250, I'm pushing 100 now, so I think I'll get there. It's a time waster adding images :) Perhaps I will do that while I'm adding in the content I'm missing!

Uploading images from school is frustrating at best, thanks to the end of the quarter internet... grr...

Small list

Need to make a few reminders for class tonight....

Add in if statement to see if the logged in user is the one who uploaded the photograph, if so then don't display the download button.

Style the pagination buttons.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advice for next quarter's students

Do a brief design over the break, then spend the majority of your next 5-6 weeks getting all the code working. Then tweak the design, add in all your content, and fix bugs. Really if you can do a lot over break you shouldn't have trouble, but, speaking from experience, shit will pop up at inconvenient times, and it helps to be ahead of the game if that happens.

Hopefully I will pass review.... that's kinda stressing me right now, unfortunately that stress won't disappear until December 14th around 6:00pm.

Behind on blog posts

This past week was a blur of rush, and obviously blog posting was not at the top of my list....

I need to bust my ass on the project this week, but will be done by week 11 at the absolute latest (obviously for review), but in general, I should be done by next week. I'm getting images in this week, tweaking the code, and a few design things, but in general, it's a functioning website. The process book has to be updated as well, but I've been taking notes about what I need to add, so that shouldn't take too long. That's what I'll do if I get frustrated with any of the code, it's always a nice little break and still being productive.